

风尚时尚网 2


Sri Swami Satchidananda 沙吉难陀师

何 谓 瑜 伽 哲 学



它 将 带 来 什 么




Who creates war? The bombs don’t drop by themselves. It’s the people behind them, the human minds that create war. If we want peace, where should we begin? With the minds of the people.

是谁制造了战争?不会自己掉下来。是背后的人,骨盆运动点击播放 GIF 0.0M躺下,是人类的思想制造了战争。如果我们想要和平,我们应该从哪里开始?应该从改变人类的思想开始。

If the minds are changed, the world will change. There’s a saying: “As the man, so the world; as the mind, so the man.” Change the mind, you change the person; and change the person, you change the community or the society or the nation or the world.


If you can’t have communion with your own neighbor, how are you going to have communion with God? Your neighbor is God in a visible form. Let us have communion with our own neighbors—next door and around the globe.


We need to use the spiritual teachings of whatever faith we choose to help us have real love for one another. Even war is based on love, but that love is misplaced or limited in some way.


If you want to throw a bomb on another country, you may feel that you’re doing it for the sake of your country, because you love your country. All right, you should love your country, but don’t you think the other person will love his or her own country in the same way? If your love is universal, how can you bomb someone else? Those people are your brothers and sisters.


The whole world is like a body. If not treated, an infection in one part will spread throughout the whole body. Every part will be affected.


Likewise, if we want to be happy, we should work for the happiness of all people everywhere. That is the only way to achieve real peace and contentment. Unless the human mind is freed from greed, jealousy and hatred, there will be more and more wars.


If you free your own mind of all these problems, at least that little part of the world will be free from trouble. If we want a world free from violence, we should free ourselves from every kind of violence, even in thought. If we want a peaceful world, let us begin with ourselves. If we want peace outside, we must have it within first.


I consider this a transitory period. We are witnessing a great change. When a seedling is transplanted, at first its leaves wither and fall. It has to face that stage; that’s part of the process of getting rooted in the earth. The seedling can’t live in the nursery always.


In the same way, I see a very bright future for humankind; we are slowly getting rooted. This, itself, is the proof of what’s to come. I really feel that we’re going to see a better world. May that universal love light our paths.


May the whole world be filled with peace and joy, love and light.






标签:瑜伽 change