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1. 选择适合自己肤色的眉笔颜色。浅肤色的人可以选择浅棕色系,深肤色的人可以选择深咖啡色系。

2. 用眉笔描绘出理想的眉形,注意要从内眉到外眉渐渐过渡,不要出现明显的断线。

3. 刷起时要轻轻晕染,尽量让眉毛看起来自然。可以使用小眉刷或眉刷进行晕染。

4. 最后用眉梳梳理眉毛,让整个眉形更加自然服帖。

eyebrow pencil and eyebrow gel techniques to create star-like brows

Eyebrows are an important part of the face, as they can not only highlight the facial features but also affect the overall aura and feeling of the face. Having a pair of beautiful eyebrows is not only the pursuit of women, but also increasingly cared about by men. So how to use eyebrow pencils and eyebrow gels to create the charming star-like eyebrows? Let's explore the secrets together.

First, you need to find the right eyebrow shape for your face. Different face shapes suit different eyebrow shapes. For exle, a square face suits slightly curved eyebrows, a round face suits higher and straighter eyebrows, and a heart-shaped face suits more elongated eyebrows. After determining your eyebrow shape, you can start using eyebrow pencils and eyebrow gels for shaping.

Eyebrow pencil techniques:

1. Choose an eyebrow pencil color that suits your skin tone. People with lighter skin tones can choose light brown shades, while those with deeper skin tones can opt for darker coffee shades.

2. Use the eyebrow pencil to outline the desired eyebrow shape, making sure to create a gradual transition from the inner to the outer eyebrow, without any obvious lines.

3. When filling in, lightly feather the pencil strokes to make the eyebrows look more natural. You can use a small angled brush or an eyebrow brush for blending.

4. Finally, use an eyebrow brush to comb through the eyebrows, making the entire shape look more natural and polished.


1. 选择适合自己眉毛颜色的眉膏,不要选择与发色相差太的颜色。

2. 先用眉膏打底,在眉毛的整体轮廓上涂抹均匀。

3. 然后用眉刷小幅度地梳理眉毛,让它们服帖自然。

4. 最后再细致地修饰眉尾,使整个眉形更加饱满立体。

Eyebrow gel techniques:

1. Choose an eyebrow gel that matches your natural eyebrow color, not too different from your hair color.

2. Start by applying the eyebrow gel evenly over the entire eyebrow shape as a base.

3. Then, use an eyebrow brush to lightly comb through the eyebrows, making them look more polished and natural.

4. Finally, pay extra attention to the tail of the eyebrows, carefully shaping them to make the entire eyebrow look fuller and more dimensional.


By mastering these eyebrow pencil and eyebrow gel techniques, I believe everyone can create the charming star-like eyebrows. Whether for daily makeup or special occasions, you can have the confident and attractive eyebrows. I hope you all become the eyebrow queen/king!


